

Cryptocurrency industry is a very huge industry with unlimited innovations. The Decentralized nature of this industry bridge the gaps between the innovators , Business entrepreneurs and Investors . In the past , the entire ecosystem wasn't fully transparent and Semi Decentralized. The inception of DeFi has changed the entire story in the industry . DeFI known as Decentralized Financed has established a Decentralized Financial World where every one become the citizen of one world. DeFi through its underlying concepts of Decentralization removes the barrier of territorial restriction into investments . It further removes the barrier of having to go through a complex procedure of documentation and undergoing KYC, AML which is associated mostly to Centralized Financial institutions. DeFi creates an easy Financial world which is a potential gateway to financial emancipation for all .


How Does DeFi operates ?
This is quite simple because majority of crypto users have just been hearing about DeFi but they do not know how to go about it . DeFi in a simple term is Decentralized Finance . DeFi operates just like the existing Conventional Banking and other Financial institutions which offers a wide ranges of financial services for their customers such as Savings, Investment , Loans , Lending , Fixed Deposit which is regarded as Stacking in Crypto World, Insurance services , trading and many more . DeFi also have all these services but the main difference is that DeFi operates through a powerful decentralized Apps that is highly scalable and flexible to handle all these services in a decentralized form . Unlike banking institution that operates in a centralized system , DeFi operates in a decentralized system which is quite transparent , secure and highly efficient. All financial transactions and activities is conducted autonomously via a decentralized DeFi Dapps , hence removing any form of human interference in the system to make it more sustainable and transparent . I feel at this junction i should go straight to the main topic of discussion. in this public , i wil be discussing extensively on DRK DeFi powered Ecosystem . Draken Platform is still not much known in Crypto space and that is the essence of this publication . DRAKEN is offering something new entirely in Crypto space . It is offering a disruptive blockchain technology which is capable of changing the entire narratives in Crypto industry.


DRAKEN is a robust blockchain ecosystem with a very high performance . It is an upgraded blockchain platform developed to correct the loopholes in the existing blockchain networks. Draken Chain basically is solving solve problems in Crypto ecosystem . The first among the problem is the Slow transaction Speed associated with some blockchain network and the high transaction cost . Draken blockchain has emerged to simplify the live of Crypto users by making things so easy for them . Unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum network that charges extremely high cost for transaction , Draken charges lowest price for transaction . $0.0012 is chargeable per transaction and the transaction speed is excellent . Draken Chain is capable of handling up to 5000 transactions per second . This simply means DRAKEN is the next BIG THING in crypto world . DRAKEN offers an open blockchain network just like Ethereum, EOS, TRON and all others. Businesses , developers , Startup businesses can build and develop their projects on DRAKEN Chain .The possibility of token issuance is enable on DRAKEN Chain . DRK-99 token can be issued on Draken network .DRK has emerged to develop the best and highly scalable blockchain to serve DeFi space . DRAKEN will develop a bug free and highly flexible DeFi Dapps that will incorporate all features needed for smooth running of DeFi .

DeFi is entirely a new industry in the global financial system and Crypto space and it needs time to develop and gain stability . Majority of the DeFi ecosystem out there are still striving towards achieving sustainability . Some DeFi Dapp's out there are Bugs ridden , Poorly written smart contract codes, low scalability . Draken has emerged to proffer a sustainable solution to all these problems and making the DeFi and Crypto Exchange system very easy and effective. With the Cross Chain features of DRK DEX and DRK SWAP , It focuses majority on Top global cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, EOS, ADA, BNB and more.

DRAKEN has emerged to ease the burden of the Global innovators which are willing to raise funds for the development of their innovative ideas. DRK platform will designed a sophisticated decentralized Launchpad which will enable Startup projects and existing projects to raise further liquidity for the developments of their projects. Amongst the components of DRK DeFi Ecosystem includes : Cross Chain Swaps, Staking and Governance , Savings, Loans, P2P lending , Launchpool , Insurance, Margin trading , future trading and more. All these financial services will be conducted in an 100% transparent, trustless , secured and Decentralized ecosystem .
DRK has emerged as a disruptive ecosystem in the global Crypto Exchange system and DeFi ecosystem . It will be offering a decentralized liquidity auction with its unbeatable cross chain Swaps DApps . This will enable swapping of varieties of cryptocurrencies of different blockchain network , hence removing the limitation of single blockchain currency swapping system .


(a) ABILITY TO ISSUE TOKEN : Just like the popular Ethereum network . DRK is a public blockchain network where projects can build their businesses . The blockchain network avails opportunity to create token on the chain i. DRK-99 token .The Smart contracts allows opportunity to create and issue tokens on the chain coupled with some reward mechanism if the token node has multiple transactions.


Staking is one among the brilliant mechanism of stability and rewards discovered recently by the industry experts. DRK chain implements Proof of Honor (PoH) consensus algorithm.(PoH) is a very brilliant concept in blockchain space, it is an upgrade to the existing (PoS) and (PoW ) respectively. It improved network scalability , speed , flexibility , security and accomplish the true mission of decentralization.

(c) DRK ANONYMOUS BLOCKCHAIN : DRK Blockchain offers anonymous blockchain service. Users can retain their financial privacy on the blockchain . The chain technology is capable of keeping users transactions anonymous , hiding transactions information , this is quite optional . Users can chose to remain anonymous or otherwise.

(d) DRK SMART CONTRACT 2.0 : Smart contract technology is a BIG PLUS in DeFi and blockchain industry at large. Smart Contract ensures transactions automation and autonomous running of the platform . DRK platform the best Smart contract technology to simplify the platform operation and optimization of trading service for DeFi applications. DRK implements smart contracts 2.0 technology which is perfectly written and bug free.

(e) DRK DEFI ECOSYSTEM : This features has been discussed elaborately in the previous paragraph.


(f) DRK CROSS CHAIN DEX : This is one among the best products offered by DRK platform . DRK as mentioned earlier is an upgraded blockchain network and crypto ecosystem . DRK DEX offers Cross chain trading system which breaks the existing limitation in most of the DEXes platform . Majority of the DEXes are limited to single chain trading system , they lack trading flexibility which will not take DEXes to any level in Crypto Exchanges sphere. With the Cross Chain features incorporated by DRK DEX , several trading pairs will be made available for traders though following the DRK Chain protocol. Traders will be able to trade varieties of coins and token of different blockchain network on DRK DEX .


DRK Platform is a big thing happing in Crypto space . DRK is a public blockchain network where projects can build their businesses . The blockchain network avails opportunity to create token on the chain i. DRK-99 token .DRK DeFi Ecosystem includes : Cross Chain Swaps, Staking and Governance , Savings, Loans, P2P lending , Launchpool , Insurance, Margin trading , future trading and more. All these financial services will be conducted in an 100% transparent, trustless , secured and Decentralized ecosystem . To learn further about DRK Ecosystem, do follow the below official links

Official Resources
WEBSITE: https://draken.tech/
WHITEPAPER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mHtV50CktdFCyD_NaH370sZ8sOBehgce/view
TELEGRAM : https://https//t.me/Drakentech
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/DRKDEX
TWITER: https://twitter.com/DRKDeFi
DRAKEN DEX https://draken.exchange/
DRAKEN ENTERTAINMENT https://www.drakenx.io/play
STAKING PLATFORM : https://staking.draken.tech/
DRAKEN BLOCKCHAIN : https://explorer.draken.tech

Authors info
BTT Username: Gringrace
BTT link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2822451
DRK Address : 0xf641e33aCbDC5a7C6882Ca61c9265AF10E91256F
Tron Wallet : TFQTTjfMxe1aT6Me2y4gNJvxAMTT7Syt5q


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